
Banco PAN case

Digitalizing banking journey

As a Product Designer, I collaborated closely with a Designer Researcher to digitize a debt renegotiation process for Banco PAN. Through this implementation, it has been an increase in website usage, with the share rising from 14% to 20% within 3 months

Time frame
Jan to Mar 2019
Responsive Website
My role
UI and UX

Case summary

Banco PAN
Icon Context


Banco PAN is a financial institution operating in Brazil that aims to offer personalized experiences to customers and boost financial inclusion in Brazil.

The bank, initially only physical, invested efforts in its digital transformation and as a result was the winner of the “best banking transformation in Latin America” category in 2021 in the annual edition of the “Euromoney Awards for Excellence”, one of the most important international awards in the banking sector.

Icon Product vision

Product vision

As a website that enables customers to negotiate their debts, access flexible payment options, and receive attractive offers that meet their financial capabilities, we aim to foster financial inclusion and help customers regain control of their finances.

Icon user problem

User problem

Our customers who are already in debt are more concerned about payment terms than the usability and features of our site. They need to find a payment plan that fits their budget and doesn't overwhelm their finances.

Many customers apply for refinancing because they believe it's the only way to honor their commitment.

Before this project, we only offered refinancing through our physical advisory service and not through the website.

Icon outcomes


After the implementation of the new modality of online debt renegotiation, there was an increase in the participation of the Banco PAN website (Renegocie) about the consultants and the physical bank. In 3 months, the site's share increased from an average of 14% to 20%.

Archetype personas
Archetype personas
User journey
Gif task area
Wireframe with feedbacks