
About me

A personal note

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Multicultural perspective

I grew up in a multicultural environment that encompassed both Japanese and Latino cultures.

This education provided me with a valuable perspective on life.

This allowed me to develop an understanding and appreciation for different traditions, customs, and ways of thinking, which helped me connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

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Life vision

Sometimes, life presents us with different challenges. Because of that, I had to make changes and reinvent myself.

Through these experiences, I learned that I wanted to do something bigger than just focusing on myself.

I discovered a purpose in helping people to grow and make their lives a little easier, through volunteering or mentoring.

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Continuous learning

I'm always eager to continuously learn and embrace new experiences.

I've already taken on challenges like cycling around an island and acquiring keyboarding skills, and I'm currently diving into the art of creating amigurumi (crochet).

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Keep it light

Oh, and I absolutely love good (also bad) jokes! They make life easier and less boring.