
Pipefy case

Task management on SaaS

I designed a new feature on the Pipefy website and help to fix the main usability problems. This led to a 53% decrease in the time it takes to complete tasks and improve the experience of end users.

Time frame
Jan to Mar 2023
Responsive Website
My role
UI, UX and User Research

Case summary

Pipefy website
Icon Context


Pipefy is a a global SaaS startup that provides a Work Management platform used by over 15,000 organizations, including Visa, IBM, and Coca-Cola. It helped teams in HR, Procurement, and Customer Service streamline and automate their work.

Icon Product vision

Product vision

To achieve the product vision of being the bridge between business and the consumer. We aimed to increase the number of end users engaging with the platform by delivering a great experience that connects people.

Icon user problem

User problem

Upon further analysis, it became clear that we needed to improve the experience of 2 distinct users to increase the adoption:

The Agents, responsible for initiating tasks, require a simple and secure way to communicate and engage with stakeholders to gather the necessary input for requests.

On the other hand, the Guests, assigned with responding to tasks, need quick access to information to effectively address pending tasks.

Icon outcomes


The implementation of a task area for the Guests and a task configuration for the Agents.

This significantly improved interaction between users, resulting in increased productivity and reduced task time.

Archetype personas
User journey
Wireframe with feedbacks
Gif task area
Gif applying link
Gif task area
Wireframe with feedbacks